Evan's top two teeth have come in! It's pretty cute, although they're too short to get a picture of. I'm going back to work Tuesday, this past week we spent getting Evan used to long periods of time at Grandma Terry's house. It's going to be tougher on me, most likely, than it will be on Evan. He really enjoys grandma's house. Evan's vocabulary is expanding on a daily basis. He says "truck", "trator" for cracker, "ball", "daw" for dog, "cat", "cup" and "doe" which I think means no. He also thinks lights are "that" because he used to point and we'd say, "look at that" - whoops! He's such a little sponge!

We spent this weekend shingling our roof... it was lots of work, but we had a great deal of help from guys at the Gate. Of course Grampa Al was a big help too, only one more load to the dump with his trailer to go... Evan and I made food and prepared drinks for everyone. Our car decided to cause more problems, so we're carless until Thursday - when we can take it in to get fixed. Several hundreds of dollars from now we will once again be driving. We rode our bikes to church this morning, Scott had bought Evan a little bike seat that attaches to the back of his bike so he rode in style! I'll be getting rides to work with a friend for now.
It feels good to have the roof done and out of the way. We are so blessed to have so many great friends here in Lethbridge that'll spend two evenings and an entire Saturday doing hard labor, just to help us out!