It's amazing to me that Evan has become a preschooler aged boy. He is so not a baby any more. He's done a great job potty training, now I just have to train him to remind daddy that he doesn't wear diapers anymore... He's decided to take up photography as a hobby. I laughed so hard when I downloaded this roll of photos, see some of his better work below. More than half the shots are "self-photos" and his fingers over the lens. The amazing chronological progression of his journey up the stairs to find daddy in his office set of photos is impressive - but I didn't post them, I'm not sure anyone else is that interested in what the stairs look like. (I've saved them to show him sometime though :)

He did several nice shots of me - sometimes of body parts, a knee, an arm, my jean-clan behind...

Evan has gotten really good with the apple tv, spends lots of his tv time watching movie previews. He's so independent, wants to do almost everything by himself. It's great to have at least one child that you can talk and listen to. He has some really neat things to say sometimes - I wish I had the time and memory to write some of those things down. He loves to dance - has his own unique breaker moves. If I can find a hip hop dance class for him, I'll sign him up right away.

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