Isaac's One Year Old!

The eating of the birthday cake was the funniest experience ever. I don't think anyone has ever seen such a calm and seriously methodical eating of birthday cake by a one year old ever. He was obviously a little surprised by all the attention and watched everyone else watching him while he solemnly sucked the icing off his cupcake.
Evan enjoyed opening presents for Isaac and playing with them of course. Just a few family members were there (Isaac is not going remember this party so we were pretty laid back about it all - hotdogs and cake.)
This is a bittersweet time, I'm going back to work in two weeks, the countdown has begun. Evan's going to handle the transition really well, it'll be harder on Isaac to go to daycare though. He's already suffering extreme clinginess to me right now. Separation anxiety and all that.
We are taking one last holiday before I go to work. The only place we could get tickets for with Aeroplan points was Victoria. I got so frustrated trying to get flights without using triple or more points per flight that I've cancelled our Aeroplan point collecting visa and started a new program with TD. They'll give us cash for flights, we just have to start collecting from scratch again. In the meantime, we're spending our points wherever we can to get rid of them and be done with that program.
The only way we could get to Victoria was by splitting up so Scott and Evan are flying together and Esther, Isaac and I are flying a few hours later... Ridiculous, but if we didn't split it would have been 47,500 points per person instead of 15,000. What a rip off! The boys "helped" us pack tonight - here are the pics of their contributions.

Evan packed toys in his carry on and made sure he could still fit his rubber boots while Isaac made sure he can fit in a suitcase - in case Air Canada messes up our flight and we have to check him with the baggage of course. We're looking forward to our time away. Keep posted, more pictures coming soon!
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