Evan is getting so big. He looks more and more like a little boy and not like a baby anymore. This Saturday he learned to spin in circles. We didn't show him, I don't know where he got the idea. I only wish I could upload the video because it's so cute! He also knows to say "two" after Scott says "one." Scott taught him that while we enjoyed fudge Sundaes at DQ (during our bike ride this afternoon.)

Evan builds himself a nest of pillows to rest in while he watches some Treehouse. We had such a fun evening today. Evan is such a little tease. I asked him not to touch the lamp. He would walk over and touch it (it was off) and then run towards me giggling. He's really learning to interact with us on so many levels! (And my living room will never be tidy again.)

Evan gets comfy to watch a little Lion King on the iMac.
At 8/22/2006 1:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Guys,
Sure miss you all so much already. I'm going through Evan withdrawl. Please give him big kisses for me.
Love You guys!
At 8/25/2006 11:09 PM,
NikkiGirly said…
Hey guys, nice pics of Evan. I miss you guys so much and can't wait to see how big Evan is. Give him kisses and hugs from Auntie Nittaya. Love you guys tons. God Bless.
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