
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Surviving the Separation

Evan's getting really good at drinking from a juice box. Except for tonight when he thought it would be fun to squeeze the juice all over the carpet... there are inevitably those moments where something great he learned turns into doing one more thing he's not allowed to do. Fun times!
Evan passed out during nap time. Sometimes he sleeps so deep a volcano wouldn't wake him and other times the tiniest noise will wake him up. This is one of those deep sleeps where not even camera flashes penetrate.

Evan enjoys a little mint chocolate chip ice cream with daddy. Cute! Those two share a lot of food, lots of hugs, and lots of replays of "The Lion King" on a regular basis.

Evan's first big boo boo, or ouchie, or ouch - have mostly been using ouch but everyone says something different. He fell down a few stairs which wouldn't really have hurt him except he landed on a toy. The area around his eye looks a little painful. He can go up and down stairs now without any help, but, true to form so far, sometimes he just falls down. It's so great whenever I go to get him at mom's house after work he claps his hands when he sees me than proceeds to show me all the "cool" things around him... lights, fans, computers, ipods, etc...


  • At 8/17/2006 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    just enjoying a little evan from the Taipei airport - a long haul but so far so good except i should have brought my blanket for the long cold wait here - love you guys

  • At 8/17/2006 9:11 PM, Blogger M's said…

    hello! sure love you! just said goodbye to Matt and Becky today... it's tough seeing all you guys go!


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