
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Play time

Playing with the toothbrush is infinitely more fun than actually brushing your teeth, at least that's what Evan thinks. I like to delude myself into believing that, as long as that toothbrush finds its way into his mouth, it's probably doing some good... Seriously though, he's getting pretty good at the toothbrushing thing.
Of course, you can't brush your teeth without the stroller - what if the toothbrush needs a ride somewhere? Yes, he gives rides to about anything he gets his hands off, still a boy though, whatever gets a ride gets thrown to the floor full force upon arrival... (Did you notice he's now got 2 toothbrushes to play with?)
Evan and I goofing off, he loves a good tickle.

Contrary to what it looks like, I'm not biting him, it's just a weird camera angle...

Monday, November 20, 2006

Evan's new "now you see me, now you see me" peekaboo game. What a cutie!

Merry Christmas!!!

Our tree is up, the wreath was made, a gingerbread house sits fully decorated on our fridge and presents adorn the floor under our tree!!! And it's no where near Christmas yet!!! It's not even a month away!!! It's official, I'm Christmas crazy!!!

Friday, November 10, 2006

A Special Visitor

A few mornings ago - last Saturday I think - Evan and I enjoyed a surprise visitor that walked across our lawn a few times and perused the neighbourhood. It's nice to see a little more natural nature in our front yard once in a while. And this was more exciting for Evan than birds for sure (although I'm not sure it beats airplanes.) The best though is when he bangs on the window to call the deer over - like that's not going to scare him away... "Daaaa", bang, bang - welcoming isn't it?
Tonight mom and I went to a Christmas craft fair at the Exhibition Park. We went mostly to get Evan out of the house as it's too cold to stay outside for long, especially when one's sick. We had a good time watching tap dancers of all ages, seeing all kinds of fun things to poke at, but best of all "Bicycle" "Bicycle" "BICYCLE"... Actually, they were motorbikes, and a dune buggy and an atv (or whatever they're called). Evan just about lost his head. He ran from one to another yelling out "BICYCLE" and "TRUCK" and "VROOM VROOM". It was the cutest thing. (Anything with four wheels is a truck, anything with two is a bicycle, btw.) Anyway, he loved it, I wish I had a camera. The funniest thing was it was right next to where dozens of kids were lined up to take a picture of Santa - and Evan couldn't have cared less about that, all he wanted to do was touch and climb (which of course I didn't let him do) those machines. I guess there's no need to think about what to get for his birthday... (Don't worry, I'm thinking we'll start small, like a tricycle... no dune buggies for him until he's at least 5...)

Diaper rash was never so fun!

Evan's still suffering the occasional vomit episode as well as the frequent diarrhea accidents. As a result, he's got quite a painful looking bum rash. To air him out a bit we decided on the Thai custom of using a patung (or sarong or skirt if you prefer) to allow for a lot of air.

He really enjoyed the newfound freedom. And we're hoping it helps out with the rash - it's becoming a torturous experience for him every time he needs wiping up. But on the bright side, it can't be long now until he's much better. Tomorrow for sure!

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Evan in grampa Al's hat. He loves his grampa Al! I hear he likes to join him in the garage, look at the old vehicles grampa's got and has "papa" (for grampa) down pat. In fact, that's what he called me yesterday on the phone... he was either telling me about grampa, or he just calling me grampa (sometimes it's Da, dada, daddy and only rarely mama - I guess I'm just the miscellaneous caretaker who answers to any name...)
Evan in the '28 Dodge. He loves to drive - of course he doesn't actually get to drive - but he thinks he does.

Evan trying out new upholstery for a seat. Although I can't tell which vehicle it's for - definitely not the Dodge, or the Bomber ('42 Chev paneled truck), maybe the suburban?

This was taken with our fun little iMac camera, with special effects, a few weeks ago. I don't have many pictures of me with Evan, so I thought I'd post it. Plus it looks cartoony and I think that's cool!

Although he won't drink water in a sippy cup, he will out of a real glass.

Happy Flu Season!

So, Evan came down with the flu Sunday night - now Scott and I are also sick (it's stomach flu, the worst kind of flu...) But, now that I'm actually stuck at home with nothing to do (except the occasional trip to the you-know-what)... here's a whole bunch of new Evan pics... Dad took these and e-mailed them over, since we're all so sick Evan slept at their house last night.

He seems to be doing better, but every time we feed him anything... the flu doesn't typically last this long... but maybe cause he's a baby...