A few mornings ago - last Saturday I think - Evan and I enjoyed a surprise visitor that walked across our lawn a few times and perused the neighbourhood. It's nice to see a little more natural nature in our front yard once in a while. And this was more exciting for Evan than birds for sure (although I'm not sure it beats airplanes.) The best though is when he bangs on the window to call the deer over - like that's not going to scare him away... "Daaaa", bang, bang - welcoming isn't it?

Tonight mom and I went to a Christmas craft fair at the Exhibition Park. We went mostly to get Evan out of the house as it's too cold to stay outside for long, especially when one's sick. We had a good time watching tap dancers of all ages, seeing all kinds of fun things to poke at, but best of all "Bicycle" "Bicycle" "BICYCLE"... Actually, they were motorbikes, and a dune buggy and an atv (or whatever they're called). Evan just about lost his head. He ran from one to another yelling out "BICYCLE" and "TRUCK" and "VROOM VROOM". It was the cutest thing. (Anything with four wheels is a truck, anything with two is a bicycle, btw.) Anyway, he loved it, I wish I had a camera. The funniest thing was it was right next to where dozens of kids were lined up to take a picture of Santa - and Evan couldn't have cared less about that, all he wanted to do was touch and climb (which of course I didn't let him do) those machines. I guess there's no need to think about what to get for his birthday... (Don't worry, I'm thinking we'll start small, like a tricycle... no dune buggies for him until he's at least 5...)
At 11/17/2006 6:26 AM,
Chris said…
Hey M!
Thanks for the comment! I love your page lol. Evan is hilarious. He's my new hero. Seems like he's gonna be a lot like his grandpa; playing with big machines in his patong and going "VROOM VROOM all the time. Yup, just like uncle Al.
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