Christmas Morning Pics
Evan and Grandma Terry. When he found the car in his hand at the top of his stocking he lost all interest in digging deeper. I had to empty his stocking for him. I also had to do a lot of his unwrapping for him, every time he spotted a bright color under the paper though, he'd start pulling the wrapping off himself.
Evan loves all noise makers, from the silliest songs on his battery-powered toys to his new drums, tambourine, keyboard, guitar, shakers, bells and whistles (really, I've actually not listed a few baby "instruments). He played drums on his new rocking horse, presents, the tambourine, anyone's head that got in the way, etc...
One of the few non-Evan shots. That's my dad and my sister Som in the foreground, I'm in the background lording it over my present distribution territory. I really am a little crazy I think. My teacher in grade three called it "leadership quality" my family just calls it "bossy" bordering on "control freak". I don't think I've had a happier Christmas...
Evan really getting into the beat. Almost every beat session is accompanied by "Twinkum, twinkum lar lar war" and so on. It's his favourite song right now and always ends with a cheer and hand clapping. He understands beats, even gets the syllables right, still needs to tweak the words a little. He's really good with spoken words, I think singing is a little muddled to him.