Christmas Morning Pics

Evan and Grandma Terry. When he found the car in his hand at the top of his stocking he lost all interest in digging deeper. I had to empty his stocking for him. I also had to do a lot of his unwrapping for him, every time he spotted a bright color under the paper though, he'd start pulling the wrapping off himself.

Evan loves all noise makers, from the silliest songs on his battery-powered toys to his new drums, tambourine, keyboard, guitar, shakers, bells and whistles (really, I've actually not listed a few baby "instruments). He played drums on his new rocking horse, presents, the tambourine, anyone's head that got in the way, etc...

One of the few non-Evan shots. That's my dad and my sister Som in the foreground, I'm in the background lording it over my present distribution territory. I really am a little crazy I think. My teacher in grade three called it "leadership quality" my family just calls it "bossy" bordering on "control freak". I don't think I've had a happier Christmas...

At 1/10/2007 6:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
I guess I would have to say, "It was a special Christmas." Landing in Thailand a few days later is like a "Did that really happen?" But everybody enjoyed the video of arkie-controlled Christmas. Love you.
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