I'm taking four Tuesdays off - due to babysitter scheduling - which is great, cause I love my time with the boy!

Evan doesn't like to color, he likes to drum.

Fortunately for Evan, my knee caps are just hard enough to make for a pleasant drum sound. Never mind that he beat my knee cap black and blue... okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but it did hurt!

Evan takes another time out on the floor. He seems to find it soothing. When he has a temper tantrum (hardly ever :), he lays down on the floor and squirms backwards as he cries... It's actually pretty cute, I've got video...

He's feeling a lot better now that he's been on antibiotics for a few days. He's enjoying a little Treehouse - for those who don't know, it's THE kids channel. (Actually I've no idea if it's THE channel or not, except it's the only Evan's age channel we get...)