
Saturday, September 23, 2006

Evan's Diagnosis

So it turns out the Evan's got some type of strep throat going on. It's the same thing he got when we were in Thailand, but on a slightly milder scale (and accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea). When we were in Thailand he caught the flu from Scott and ended up with a throat that was so sore that he would not swallow his own saliva, so his clothes would be completely soaked every couple of hours... He's still swallowing, although it looks painful, so I think we've managed to get it diagnosed before it got too bad. (Please don't think we're bad parents, today's visit to the doctor was our third - and the doctor's in Thailand didn't think any type of sore throat validates antibiotics - which is strange considering they seem to enjoy selling lots of medications usually, and it makes me wonder if they ever see strep throat there? Or perhaps they think it's not deadly and will work itself, however painfully, out in the end...)
So, after his first dose of penicillin, he's in a much better mood, although I can tell the swallowing is still painful. He's sleeping peacefully now, hopefully for the whole night - for the first time in almost a week now...


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