A friend at church gave Evan his old Hot Wheels car collection, Evan's in heaven. He likes to organize them, he moves them from table to table and then plays with them on a little track he has. Everyday starts with "mommy, play trucks" and ends the same - he sleeps with one in each hand.
We're having an interesting time juggling babysitting for Evan these weeks while mom's in Thailand. This week Kate was back in time to watch him, it looks like Lois will watch him for us next week. And then dad's on, he just doesn't know it yet :) (Kidding dad, Kate will be back to watch him, so you'll be able to get that truck in the garage running before mom gets back!)
Dad will be back next week in Canada. Scott and I will take Evan to Calgary next week. We'll see Grampa Roy and Uncle Robin for dinner at the airport in Calgary, we'll try to see Jun & Tony and arrange a trip the Calgary zoo. So hopefully we'll have some great pics next week!