What a bunch of bruises on his legs! He is always bumping into things and falling over things. I guess it comes with the new "running" and climbing phase. (He still runs with his hands in the air for balance.)

Evan and his dad, practicing climbing and stuff. We will be going to visit more of Scott's family in Yellowknife in just a few weeks. We'll have Evan's first birthday party while we're there.

Evan finally relents... he loves to make me happy! Sometimes... after he's teased me for a while... What a handsome boy! I spoke to my branch manager today, I'm slated to go back to work Aug 7th, which will actually be Aug 8th because here in Alberta we have a Civic holiday long weekend that weekend. I'm both excited to be going back to work and apprehensive at how hard it will be not to be home with Evan. I'm sure we'll all manage very well though. Evan will be staying at grandma Terry's most of the time.
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