Our trip to Yellowknife was quite an adventure for little Evan. He was very pleased to find cats and dogs everywhere he went.

Evan and Auntie Gevena play with Kitty... Barbara's cat.
And of course Uncle Robin's not going to get left out.

Evan enjoys the camera case. He knows what goes in there!
More quality time with Kitty. She was pretty good and would let him touch her a few times. (She's normally quite the little princess.)

Evan enjoying some watermelon on Grampa Roy's counter

Here's Grampa Roy in the background, making funny faces... he showed Evan a lot of funny faces...

Evan continues to find enjoyment in the simplest of objects, in this case, an exciting silver bowl.
Evan and Kelly - they had a few disagreements, but welcomed each other into the clan by the end of the week.

Evan and Nana Barbara, enjoying some drinks in the sun. It was pretty hot, I got sunburned...
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