
Monday, May 22, 2006

Happy Birthday Dad!!!

It's Evan's Grampa's birthday! Happy birthday dad!!! We've taken a vote and think he's turning 54 or 55. While in BC this past weekend we celebrated the Purvis boys' birthdays, they're all in May, except for Chris. Grampa Purvis turned 79 this year! We had a lot of cake, a lot of great food and a lot of time with good company.

Here's a nice shot of Evan with his great-uncle Rick. Lots of nice pictures were taken with other family members and all that, but not on my camera. For those of who you are reading this, please pass on the pics you've got! Maybe we'll post a few more later.

To dad, Happy Birthday again! We love you, we are so glad to have you here so we can spend time with you! It's always great to have you "home" (as in Canada)!


  • At 5/22/2006 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you would think a three layer cake would be more appropriate,but then we had two other deserts too so we'll survive another year

  • At 5/22/2006 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The cake looks a little small for those three guys!


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