
Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Some of the most frequent comments I hear about Evan are people's enjoyment of his many unique and interesting expressions. It's so amazing how babies, being so innocent of "societal" pressures, are so free in their expressions. They feel no compulsion to suppress any emotions. They can be totally open about how they feel when they feel it.
Evan is really just learning emotions - although he's always felt "free" to express his needs - hunger, sleepiness, etc... This is one of those neat little things I'm really enjoying about his age. And something I probably would never have noticed if I hadn't become a parent.

I bet that, to God, our hearts are kind of like that. What's in our hearts is not a secret to Him, and He can see everything we feel. No matter what kind of a front we've learned to hide behind. What an amazing thing it would be to be so transparent with each other. I love being able to 'know' my son (good and bad emotions), rather than to try and guess... it's usually pretty obvious.


  • At 5/23/2006 1:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    How true it is Margaret, if only we could become more transparent with people, good lesson to learn, not to be afraid and just be ourselves. Love those expressions! Mom


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