
Thursday, May 04, 2006

Travelling Family

Dad has flown in to Canada, arrived in Calgary at 1am this morning. We're going up to get him this weekend as well as celebrate Don and Donna's wedding. For those of you who don't know Don is Scott's stepdad and father of his sister Geneva. It should be a full and fun weekend.
Dad will be staying with us, or more specifically with Chris. We bought a new hous in December. We live upstairs in the 3-bed suite while Chris and Joel (roommate) share the basement suite. I guess we just can't live without family in the same house! I've attached a picture in case you're curious.
While this house offers 400 sq feet less room for us, it's a little more ideal because there are no stairs for Evan to tumble around on. And, if I should ever get pregnant again, I won't have to trot downstairs 8 times a night to use the loo! Yay!
Anyway, we're very excited, as usual, about having dad here. Becky and Matt will be here June 6, mom will be here sometime in June (she was still looking at tickets last night while we were ichatting). Please pray that everyone will travel safely.
We'll also be travelling this summer - to Yellowknife for Evan's 1st birthday and to Victoria for Scott's college reunion. Then I go back to work.

(Scott, dad and Matt)


  • At 5/04/2006 7:53 PM, Blogger Kristen! said…

    Hi! You left a comment on my daughter's blog .. and that led me to your blog! I was just wondering how you came upon her funny little blog?? Anyhow, I enjoyed looking at your pics. Your baby boy is precious.

  • At 5/05/2006 7:29 AM, Blogger Kristen! said…

    Thanks for your comment! Katie will probably leave you a comment after school. She thinks it is so cool that someone from Canada left a comment on her blog. Hope you have a great day!!

  • At 5/19/2006 7:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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