
Friday, May 05, 2006

Our Thai Camping Trip

Evan and Auntie Becky surrounded by butterflies at the creek.

Since I was a little late in creating this blog, there's lots of catching up to do with stories and pics, but please don't expect me to post everyday forever!!! I think everyone who knows us knows we were in Thailand for 3 & 1/2 weeks in March.
We arrived in Bangkok after midnight on March 6, got home to Becky's house in Sriracha and to bed sometime around 3 or 4am. That morning we woke up to pack and head 12-14 hours northeast for the big missionary/leader camping trip! We were pretty out of it when we were packing, we had a laugh when we got there about the stuff that we packed and didn't pack - I always remember toilet paper in Thailand, but what about things to eat with (spoons, bowls, cups...)
We had one of those fun drives where you make every wrong turn possible and spent a few extra hours getting to the meeting place where the jeep was waiting to drive us through steep mountain terrain 45 min to the campsite. It was after 10pm when we met up with the jeep. Since there were a few of us and very little room, Scott sat on the hood of the jeep while Evan and I sat in the front. It was kind of interesting to see Scott scrambling to push bamboo out of the way to avoid scratches/stabbing. He did great though, he's becoming a real survival kind of guy. We went up and down for long periods at angles unimaginable, Evan slept the whole time while the rest of us held on for dear life.
We spent four days there, it was absolutely beautiful. There was a creek that had a few deeper pools in it for swimming, bathing, etc... Evan gradually got more and more comfortable with the water until he was happy to stand in it by himself (holding on to a wooden bench) and try catching minnows.
Almost all the missionaries were there, it was a great time of fellowship and discussion. It was hot, the three of us did a lot of sweating - especially Scott when he spent three hours cooking pork chops for the camp. It was very encouraging to hear what God is doing in Thailand, through all of these awesome people. For news on what's going on in Thailand, go to the Continuum Media and My Parents links.
While camping was a great time, by the end of it I was itching to get back to Thai civilization and have some Thai chow. (We had North American type camping food.) And man did I pig out on Thai food - but that's a whole other story.


  • At 5/05/2006 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey there,
    I just wanted to shout out a big "THANK YOU" for posting a picture of me in my bathing suit on your blog. Next time maybe you could blot out my eyes so my identity could remain a mystery.
    Love you!
    PS I check this thing almost daily - I think I'm becoming an addict to Evan pictures

  • At 5/05/2006 10:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Along the same lines as a certain other commenter, who shall remain nameless, I would also like to thank you for posting a picture with me in my bathingsuit in what I believe to be the oddest pose I have ever used in a photo! (At least for me, you can't really see my face! Ha!)

  • At 5/06/2006 8:45 PM, Blogger M's said…

    Sorry, the internet cannot, will not be censored! Plus, the thought that you guys were in bathing suits never crossed my mind. Motherhood does that to you. (It's all about the BABY.) You guys look great! Very modelesk!

  • At 5/10/2006 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Margaret! Actually I love the pic of Becky!!! :-) She is so absolutely cute no matter!
    Your little man is growing so fast!!! As if I don't "get" that tho!? Look at my little man! He got big! I didn't realize everyone is heading to Canada, Rob & I are headed to Cranbrook for the may long weekend. What are your plans?
    Love Pat

  • At 5/11/2006 10:33 AM, Blogger M's said…

    Hi Pat! We are, unfortunately, stuck in Lethbridge so we can't come. Dad will be there though on the 20th. Then he heads back to speak in Leth that Sunday.


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