Evan and I on pebble beach. I named it pebble beach... I don't actually know what it's called.

Evan and I walked around Beacon Hill Park again today. We discovered a mother duck and three ducklings sleeping under this tree.

Scott and Evan at beach #1 for the day. We stopped for a bit on the way back to Victoria from Pearson.

Scott stayed at Pearson last night. So Evan and I enjoyed an evening and this morning together.

Evan likes to chase crows.

He also likes to eat rocks, we think it's the saltiness. I tasted them, they were salty & yummy.
Evan and dad together on pebble beach. He misses Scott so much when they're not together for a whole night.

When Evan gets tired of eating rocks, he likes to throw rocks over obstacles, like big logs.

Evan and I watching wind surfers or are they kite surfers? They were pretty amazing.

That black dot on just over sea level is the wind surfing guy in mid jump. They would jump really high, it was amazing to see.
At 7/01/2006 10:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yay! 'Last Day'! The conference is really crazy but I'm sure I'll find a lift for you guys eventually. I brought your car to the conference with me this morning in case I had to pass it off to someone. However, I believe Matt's driving his dad's four-door truck around so he's at the top of my hit list... it'll get sorted out.
Can't wait to have you guys back.
At 7/01/2006 11:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wow, we've missed you guys a lot. We've had fun at the conference, I just did the offering message this morning. Lots of people around and staying at our house - wall to wall. I'm looing for some relax time. See you all tonight.
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