Evan's going to be one this coming July. It's pretty amazing to see how far we've come and how much he's grown. The first few weeks he didn't do much; mostly slept, ate and looked at stuff. Now he's tearing around the house - he walks now, but he's much faster on his knees. He was so tiny and helpless - now he seems like such a big little man, sometimes cuddly, other times totally independent. The last picture below is one of my favourites. Scott used to put him on his knee on a pillow while working on the computer (to give me time to shower) and Evan would fall asleep. You can see just how small he was. It's weird that I'm kind of already starting to be nostalgic for his younger stages... he'll never be that small again!

In other news, now that Becky, Matt, Esther and mom have arrived, Evan is enjoying alot of attention! He's having a blast! Dad's been taking about a hundred shots a day so when he gets some of them to me I'll post them. For now, I've got to get some sleep. There's a Victory Churches International conference going on and as one of the "hosting" churches in Lethbridge, I've got to do my part. Not exactly sure what that part is... it's a little different 'cause we're the most unvictory-like victory church in the bunch and are viewed as a "youth" church (hard not to laugh when you consider I'll be 29 this November, not exactly a teenager anymore...). So we already feel like the odd man out and I don't think the other Canadian pastors know how to relate to us. Oddly (and predicatably) enough we're connecting so easily with the international pastors and that's really awesome. I hope to get to know more Victory pastors tomorrow. (I don't think there are any other senior pastors under the age of 40... again, feel a little odd man out...)
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