
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Park Lake Sunday

We joined a couple friends for a picnic at the lake after church on Sunday. We had a great time, Evan got to "swim", play with Shilo (AKA eat toys together) and do all kinds of other little kid stuff. He also took his first steps in front of the camera (8 in total) but I can't seem to find a way to put it on the blog - so you'll just have to take my word for it.

It was a great day! Since Evan and I hadn't seen Scott for a few days it was also playtime for the boys, reunited at last! They did some wrestling, tickling and all that good stuff.
We're so blessed to have good friends and the occasional outing to one of our great man-made lakes (this is southern Alberta after all).

We're also getting so excited about mom, Esther, Becky and Matt being here. We'll have to put together a whole lot of these kinds of outings. I heard Becky thinks 6 weeks here will have her bored with nothing to do - and yet they've planned three trips away and got all kinds of family planning more times together - I think she'll be surprised when it's time to go home.

And of course we'll try to take lots of pictures! Scott's mom Barb and brother Robin are down for a visit. So much to do, so little time. It's hard to beleive I'll be back at work soon. For those of you who are worried, yes, I'll miss being with Evan, but on the other hand I'm looking forward to going back. Need some intellectual challenge - and professional conversation. Plus, I think it'll be such a great sense of accomplishment to be a professional as well as a wife and mother too!


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