Zoo trip

Scott and I picked up Grampa Al in Calgary (coming in from Thailand) and took Evan to the zoo. We didn't take any pictures with animals, poor caged up critters, but here is Evan enjoying his train ride around the tiger enclosure. Evan's favourite exhibit was the African area with the giraffes, hippos, lions and zebras. He also enjoyed peering through the "cave" at the moose. By the end of the trip he was a little hyper and spent his time running ahead, hiding behind bushes and boulders and jumping out at us. So he kind of ran through most of the Cdn animal exhibit. He finally got to see real owls - good because a Thomas the train episode had him convinced they were scary - the mini owls (don't remember what kind) were super cute.
We didn't bring Isaac with us. We thought it really wouldn't be fair to him as he'd get nothing out of it and have the long car ride to suffer through.
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